Title of linked article is Men Are Now More Likely to Be Single Than Women. It’s Not a Good Sign. Then more men need to marry. So many men want the benefit of a foundation of patriarchy but don’t want to find a wife. If they do get a woman they’re willing to live with her without marriage, impregnate her without marriage, and expect her to fulfill domestic duties without marriage. So many young men can’t even be bothered to even date with intent, it’s all about hooking up. I get dating is much harder now than when I was young but there are still legit matchmaking services and still plenty of people willing to introduce folks who want serious commitment. The article implies that it’s because now that women can earn enough to support ourselves that we don’t want to marry and/or are slow to marry. While this is a factor IMO marriage is still male-driven, both on a personal level and societal level.
We’ll see this start to change as the out-of-wedlock birth rate increases amongst the majority population; amongst white people in America. It’s one thing when this affects the black population, when it’s only 10-12% of the people, it’s another thing when you have a bunch of young men wilding out (because they don’t have a wife and family to focus on) in the 75% (white people) wilding out and running rampant. I think it will begin to change amongst our cultural group too, because as recently as 1960 black people were the most married population in the USA. The sharp decline really began in the 1980s, so the past decades of the startling drop in marriage and increase of out-of-wedlock births is the aberration, not our norm.